Showing 11 results for: FamilyHistory

Featured image for “Staff Spotlight: Emily Sienkiewicz”

Staff Spotlight: Emily Sienkiewicz

We’re taking a moment to shine a spotlight on Emily Sienkiewicz, our Communications Specialist.…
July 27, 2023
Featured image for “Legacy Planning is HERE!”

Legacy Planning is HERE!

We are so excited to share our newest feature, Legacy Planning, with you!…
July 13, 2023
Featured image for “Community Call”

Community Call

Join us for our monthly community call on the last Wednesday of every month! Each month we will announce a timely theme through our newsletter. Members are encouraged to attend…
July 7, 2023
Featured image for “Sharing & Connecting Over Family Treasures with Lynn Busath”

Sharing & Connecting Over Family Treasures with Lynn Busath

We are excited to shine the community spotlight on Lynn Busath, genealogist and creator of the Paxman – Moody Archive on Permanent.…
December 14, 2022
Featured image for “Enhancing Family Photos with Metadata”

Enhancing Family Photos with Metadata

The Family History Metadata Working Group (FHMWG),, is a collaboration between leaders in the family history software industry. We are working together to improve the process of preserving critical…
August 29, 2022
Featured image for “Story Gathering: The Coming Together of Shared Memories”

Story Gathering: The Coming Together of Shared Memories

Which comes first, the photo or the memory?…
June 28, 2022
Featured image for “The Letter”

The Letter

Take an old letter, add some photographs, and create a place for family to share stories.…
May 26, 2022
Featured image for “Stories unfold in pictures shared”

Stories unfold in pictures shared

Where do family stories come from?  How do they come to you? Were they shared? Created by you? Or based on personal experience, researched documented fact, or maybe a piece…
May 4, 2022
Featured image for “Searching for Lost Stories Together”

Searching for Lost Stories Together

Inside every genealogist is a storyteller waiting to be set free When I first embarked on my family tree journey two years ago, I began with a faded Xeroxed copy of…
April 14, 2022
Featured image for “FamilyHistory with Part 4 of 4: Caring for the Physical Documents”

FamilyHistory with Part 4 of 4: Caring for the Physical Documents

Now that the hard work of arranging, describing, and digitizing your collections is complete, it is time to think about the proper care for the physical items themselves. Digitizing is…
October 4, 2021