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September 2024

Private Podcasting with ProjectKin

This time your Projectkin ringleader, Barbara Tien, takes the baton to share a recipe for a project she’s using with her own extended family. It amounts to a “private podcast” Getting your family to read your family stories can be challenging. It’s like the brick wall behind the brick wall. Some people give up on their family getting interested and look for readers among other family historians. To join us live, please visit the Zoom registration page. I set out to see how I might use the compelling qualities of voice and video to share our stories — but do it in a way that: 1. Protects the privacy of our stories. 2. Allows the ...
12 Sep
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Stories, Mysteries and Fame

Join us as Emma Cox, genealogist, author and podcaster at Journeys into Genealogy shares the challenges of discovering and sharing her own family stories. To register, visit the program Zoom Registration Page. As a professional genealogist, Emma explores archives, churchyards and online to compile histories, charts, tours and books for clients. When collecting material for clients or engaging experts in discussions on her podcast, Journeys into Genealogy, and substack of the same name. She’s also now exploring her own family history and looking for connections. With years of experience, Emma has learned to get creative about ways to engage her family. In this Projectkin series, Emma will share the story hooks she’s used to rope ...
19 Sep
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Digitizing Inherited Family Photos with ProjectKin

Digitizing that collection of inherited family photos and getting organized to tell stories Have boxes of old family photos? Let a pro guide you through the challenge of getting them digitized as she works through her own project! ⮕ To register, visit the program Zoom Registration Page This popular monthly session focuses on a challenge for every family historian: Sorting and digitizing collections of inherited family photos and artifacts. Our speaker, Projectkin member Kathy Stone has decades of experience as a professional photo organizer and is now working on her family history projects. As a pro, she appreciates the challenge of actually getting projects done. In these “Corner” events, she answers questions and coaches ...
26 Sep
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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