Private Podcasting with ProjectKin
This time your Projectkin ringleader, Barbara Tien, takes the baton to share a recipe for a project she’s using with her own extended family. It amounts to a “private podcast”
Getting your family to read your family stories can be challenging. It’s like the brick wall behind the brick wall. Some people give up on their family getting interested and look for readers among other family historians.
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I set out to see how I might use the compelling qualities of voice and video to share our stories — but do it in a way that:
1. Protects the privacy of our stories.
2. Allows the stories to be preserved and added to our archives.
3. Uses publicly accessible tools (or better yet, for free.)
With a few experiments (and indulgence from cousins,) Barbara found an approach that’s simple enough to present as a Projectkin recipe. She’s now using this configuration with her extended cousins as an engagement mechanism to bring her cousins into her family history archive.
Project Recipe events go to the heart of our ethos here at These events give us an opportunity to share not only ideas but also the specific details of their execution. We do that with written “recipes” that show procedural steps but with special considerations for challenges and lessons learned.
All Projectkin members will receive a recording, project recipe, and list of resources following the event. Membership in Projectkin is completely free and not required for participation. Learn more at
For details see